Racial Profiling In Arizona

In a perfect world people wouldn’t be judged and treated based on the way they look, but this isn’t a perfect world. And unfortunately in this imperfect world there are people who not only judge people by appearance, but want to make it legal to do so. Specifically in the state of Arizona.

The state of Arizona has a tenuous history when it comes to issues dealing with race. But nothing is as disturbing as their recent legislation that would make it legal to profile Hispanic people.

Although the law is meant to profile all people who may be in the country illegally anybody with a shred of common sense knows this legislation is targeted at Mexicans.

I highly doubt this legislation would be used to crack down on Canadians, Brits, or anybody else with skin that isn’t brown that may be in this country illegally.

Not only is this morally wrong it’s a violation of rights. How humiliating would it be for an American citizen, that happens to look  like an illegal alien to be detained and questioned by authorities?

I would like to think that in 2010 this type of racial profiling would be a thing of the past, but apparently we still have a long way to go.

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